Monday, March 19, 2012 - 1 comments

Loving God

Loving God

“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”  -Psalm 37:4 (KJV)

I was reading Francis Chan’s Crazy Love today and something stuck me. Chan said, “It may sound ‘un-Christian’ to say that on some mornings I don’t feel like loving God, or I just forget to.” There is so much truth in what he is saying. Most mornings we are woke up by our alarm clocks. Some of us set it back another five minutes and go back to sleep. What we should do is climb out of bed an extra five minutes early and pray to God thanking Him for His daily love for us.

We all take His love for granted. Chan pointed out that we are constantly worrying about what new thing is out to buy. We think about what we have and then think about what we don’t have. When we do that we develop a want for it and envy those who have it. We as humans are designed to want, it is simply our nature. The thing is that we have everything we need when we have Him.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." -Psalm 23:1

Loving God is not simply saying a prayer every night before bed or dinner. Loving God is serving Him each and every day. Serving as in witnessing to the lost, feeding the hungry, and so many other amazing things you can do with your time. Today’s Christians “love” in a different way. We go through the motions and sometimes we may stop and give thanks. But it has to be an everyday occurrence! We must love Him all the time no matter what. If you are sick love Him! If you are thankful love Him! If you are lonely and feel like there is no one that can help you, He is there so LOVE HIM! God is our refuge and as soon as we realize that our lives will be renewed.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” –Psalm 34:8
Loving God is not always going to be easy. We Christians, as all people, face trials. However, we have God to deliver us through. Imagine having the strongest and most powerful man in the world behind you in everything you do. Now multiply that by 1,000,000! Having God in your life is the best decision any single person could make. God is our protector, our rock. God is always there and always will be. God never fades, but our worldly possessions do. We are to fear Him.

Loving God isn’t a piece of cake, but are you still willing to?


Jess March 23, 2012 at 3:21 PM

I had another birthday this week- I realize that by the time most people are my age they are wishing for days gone by, or that they could turn back the clock and be younger. Instead of approaching life that way, it dawned on me what a blessing each day has been. Has it always been easy- no way, I've had more than bad days...I've had bad YEARS. But God carried me through and has never even forsaken me or given up on me. He's the one you can always turn to and share your good and bad. Thanks Father for 31 fabulous years!!!!

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